
How Much is a Leaky Tap Costing You?

Have you got one or more leaky taps? Leaking taps can cost you a significant amount of money in the long run, adding hundreds if not thousands of dollars to your water bills. The cost will vary based on the flow rate of the leak and how long it’s been occurring, but you can estimate just how much by taking these details into account and analysing the differences in your water bills before organising plumbing services in Berwick. Read on for useful information that can help you work out exactly how much a leaky tap is costing you.

Working Out the Flow Rate & Duration of the Leak

Working out how much a leaky tap is costing you requires you to measure just how much water is leaking. There are several ways you can calculate the ‘flow rate’ to work out how much water is being wasted on a daily, monthly or yearly basis.

For slow leaking taps, simply count the number of drips that occur in one minute. If the drips are faster than 5 per second, use a measuring cup and count how long it takes to fill up to 240ml.

By determining the flow rate, you can estimate how much water has been lost in the past as well as calculate the projected costs based on your water bills, analysis of which can provide additional insight into water usage over a certain period of time.

Get Your Leaky Taps Repaired Today

If you need expert advice and assistance with leaky taps and other issues with home plumbing in Berwick, look no further than Better Plumbing Solutions. Check out our contact page for more details about how you can get in touch with us to find out more, get a free quote and make a booking.

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